Goodbyes are hard, but oh so necessary as they serve to acknowledge and affirm the impact that colleagues and friends have played in one's life story. They give the story color, essence and life. Without them the story would be boring.
There are too many precious people in South Korea for us to say goodbye to them all, but we enjoyed some nice farewell meals with friends over the past couple of weeks.
Some of the folks in these pictures are: Barbara, Kate, Ms. Jung and Wha Yun from the Admissions Office; Nurse Bossard, Ms. Jung and Mr. Yum (we enjoyed a delicious meal of Beijing Duck); all of the great guys from the General Affairs
Department at TCIS (what a treasure they are); Sarah Kim, Lee Smith, Mr. Hwang, Ms. Nam, Ms. Shin and Crystal from the Business Office (oh, how we laughed).