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August 07, 2006



Hey Becca!!! It is kinda sad that I couldnt see you before you left! I miss you so much and am sad that I couldnt see you...well I hope that you are having a good time and you can call me at 1-208-629-9900 if you are able to...If I am ever 'in the area' I will try to talk to you...haha...ok well I will hopefully talk to you later..

David and Kristi

Greetings from the Gees -

It is so fun to see your photos and to experience a little bit of your adventure with you. I love the moving walk way in the store. We just wanted to tell you we are loving all of your journal entries and praying for you lots. Our e-mail is not working for some odd reason. We can receive mail but we are having trouble sending anything out. So please know that we are thinking of you lots. As soon as we get it fixed (next year. . .ha, ha) we will be sure to write. We love you guys!! Love, Kristi

Chris Johnson

Blessings from Idaho-
Thanks for the cool updates-its good to know all is well and you are settling into the other side of the world without many trials. So how is the new Korean weight loss plan coming along? Its only 47 weeks until you are back in the good old USA so live it up!!!

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